Express North Teams

Express North Teams

Club membership includes

1st Class Directors and Coaches

  • Experienced and committed Directors that have built this program from 2005, and have helped over 500 student athletes get recruited to play in college.
    (read about our Directors)
  • Professional coaching staff that is dedicated and qualified when it comes to instruction, training, and understanding the game.
    ( read about our coaches.)
  • A minimum of two professional coaches per team.
  • Highly competitive instructional curriculum which enables our players to become the most competitive, skilled players they can be.

Hotel links for tournaments

Club membership includes

1st Class Directors and Coaches

  • Experienced and committed Directors that have built this program from 2005, and have helped over 500 student athletes get recruited to play in college.
    (read about our Directors)
  • Professional coaching staff that is dedicated and qualified when it comes to instruction, training, and understanding the game.
    ( read about our coaches.)
  • A minimum of two professional coaches per team.
  • Highly competitive instructional curriculum which enables our players to become the most competitive, skilled players they can be.

Recruiting Guidance

  • Guidance in getting recruited to play lacrosse in college with the best fit academically and athletically.
  • Long standing developed relationships with Division I, II, and III college coaches.
  • Express branding which brings instant credibility to college coaches.
  • Proven track record – our recruiting speaks for itself (see our list)

 Tournaments and Practices

  • Express Lacrosse is a year round commitment.
  • Tournaments are in the Fall, Spring and Summer.
  • Training/ Practices are year round.
  • Once you are assigned your team, your tournaments and practices are outlined for you.

Family discounts will be given to families with more than one player.

  • First Child – full price
  • Additional children – 15% discount

Contact North